Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 Wendy's is like macdonalds  ....with its  brains  kicked in ........its low rent ...... servile  ......repugnant  food......have you seen the employees  .....slovenly  ....and  do not care  ....it's  a nasty ass  fucking  food  chain .....and it's  like  if  you  cannot get a  job at macdonalds ......... then you go lower on the  rung .......its  like  just short of   a  shit pipe  cleaner in the  sewage system ..............wendys  is  like the lowest  on  fast  food  chain .......

Wendy's employee charged with murder after customer was struck in the head

According to Prescott Valley Police Department, around 4:45 p.m. an altercation occurred in Prescott Valley near North Glassford Hill Road involving a Wendy's employee and a customer.
According to Prescott Valley Police Department, around 4:45 p.m. an altercation occurred in Prescott Valley near North Glassford Hill Road involving a Wendy's employee and a customer.

Antoine Kendrick is being charged with second degree murder after   a man was struck in the head in a Prescott Valley fast food restaurant on July 26. The man died on Aug. 5.

According to the Prescott Valley Police Department, around 4:45 p.m. an altercation occurred in Prescott Valley near North Glassford Hill Road involving a Wendy's employee and a customer.

Officials said a customer complained about his food order when Kendrick, a Wendy's employee, came from behind the service counter and struck the customer in the head.

This caused the customer to fall to the floor and lose consciousness, according to officials.

The customer, a 67-year-old Dewey resident, was air-lifted to a Valley hospital where he was in critical condition until Aug. 5, officials said.

Kendrick was arrested and booked under the charge of aggravated assault.

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MORE YE ........................

  All i have to say is  ....... kanye is a  shit stirrer .......and  he   loves  to push the  envelope  ....... he like the  attention.....a...