Saturday, August 20, 2022

stop blaming the rich ......

I gets to thinking .... Which is the cause of most of my problems in life ....... You know how they say ...... Ignorance is bliss ...... Well I cannot ignore shit ...... Why ..... Well I am an analytical nosey bastard........ Oh well ........ Everyone is blaming the rich for all the problems ...... Yes how did they make the money ....... From the underlings ..... The lesser intelligent ..... They used the lesser ring of humanity ........ And as luck has it ....... There is no shortage of skilled fuckers who will work for the right price ...... Helping the rich man fullfil his dreams......... You think Elon musk built the rocket fuck no !!!!!!!!! But he has money and knows a guy who has people that will build him one ....... And as the old saying goes ..... Everyone has their price. ... And as not everyone can do what they fuck they want ...... Why because they have mouths to feed ...... That's right!!!!!!!....
Wife and fucking kids to support no money....... no fucking honey 
....... And do you think rich fuckers do not know this ..... Of course they do ..... It's how they get their dreams accomplished ...... How do you think Dubai was built in 10  years ...... By sultan bim BOM bam be boppity fuck and boo ...... Or what ever his fucking name is ....... Fuck no!!!!!!....... India is a nan bread chuck away ...... He got curry monsters to come over pay them on fucking rice and shit ...... Just like the Chinese gets kids and such like peasant fuckers ...... A dollar to them feed a family of 14 hours a day and these third world fuckers are happier than a pig in shit .......they don't know any better ......they are feeding their kids .....working like Nazi soldiers on meth ......and the rich man is in his yacht fucking a coked up hooker in the arse while drinking loud the xxviii....0r whatever that expensive bollocks crystal shit is  ......and every other mother fucker...... and brother is happier than a goat herder .....that's it ......that's how it works from the ground up ............. There will always be a man willing to go to work for a pittance..... a pound......a yen ......a make 
.....a dinar ....... Whatever the currency is ....... And as long as their is poverty ...... Men having to work or else ........ The rich man will pay for his dream ....... From the misery of others ......... That's how it's been ...... That's how it always will be 
.... ... 

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