Monday, August 22, 2022

ATTA BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


a they say in america......good for you .......good for you...!!!!!!!!! i think ythat's an american saying sort of  sounds  sacrcastic  in a jealous insecure  sort of  way two  faced  nicety .......anyways  thats not the  bone of  my contention ....and believe me i have a  starck of  fucking bones .........i hope this  car jacking ass  hole is paralyzed or  dies less  car jacker  going to jail ....using up  our precious tax paying dollars ......useless  fucker sympathy for  criminals on any level  .....a  dead criminal is a  great day ............

Would-be carjacker shoots at man with a concealed weapon, suffers critical injuries when CCL holder returns fire

A man with a concealed carry license was sitting in his vehicle on the West Side early Monday when he was fired upon by a man who Chicago police say had apparently been trying to steal the vehicle.

But the 45-year-old vehicle owner instead drew his own concealed handgun and shot the suspected would-be carjacker once in the chest, according to an online media notification from police. The alleged assailant suffered critical injuries, authorities said.

The North Austin shooting happened about 1:30 a.m. Monday, as the 45-year-old sat in his vehicle in the 5500 block of West Crystal Street, according to investigators. Police did not say in what type of vehicle the man had been sitting when the stranger approached him, “produced a handgun and fired shots at the victim.”

After the 45-year-old — who has a valid license to carry a concealed firearm, police said — reportedly shot the aggressor “one time in the upper chest area,” paramedics responded and took the wounded man to Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood where he had last been listed in critical condition.

It wasn’t immediately clear how many times the alleged assailant fired at the 45-year-old, but the victim was not struck and did not suffer any injuries, police said. The suspected would-be carjacker’s gun was found at the scene, according to investigators.

The attempted carjacking and subsequent shooting remain under investigation by detectives.

Monday’s shooting was at least the second time in less than a month in which an attempted vehicle theft resulted in a shooting by a person with a concealed carry license.

A 13-year-old boy was shot by a woman with a concealed carry license July 28 and the boy died Aug. 2 at Comer Children’s Hospital, days after he had been shot once in the neck, police have said.

The two cases share many similarities, with the only significant difference being the CCL holder’s proximity to the person trying to take their property. The woman had been in her Woodlawn home when four or five males allegedly “were attempting to break into a parked vehicle” belonging to her. She came outside, armed, after a neighbor warned her about what was happening on the street.

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  I really  did not give  a fuck about the  song  .......i mean.........  cher is   totally fucking  epic....... and  all .......but ..........