Monday, August 22, 2022

30 years


               HURRICANE  ANDREW

tomorrow will be 30 years since hurricane andrew skelped  Florida's   ass ........ hard.......  and i mean  hard......... like  a  bitch .........thousands of homes .....gone  ...and i mean gone .....not  a fucking lick of  evidence  ....i remeMber  my  immigration lawyer At that time ........  lost his  house  ...he went home and all that was  left was a  concrete pad ......yes  nothing else .........this is  why i do not like owning nothing  ....because when it comes to hurricane season see  every fucking monkey and their  uncle ....... lining up  voters  selling ther  souls  like a  mass  of  sheep .......panicking and their  fucking wives  losing their  shit   an dnagging these  dickless  spineless guys   in line   ..........and this is why i am single  sitting here  telling you this ........not to mention the insurance  that they fuck you over  with every time  ....but hey  do you think CEO's  afford their yachts......  and mistresses  huh !!!!! no sirreeee bob !!!!!!!! pay ......reponsibility is a  scam ........ pure  fucking scam  .....and every one gets fucked ........when there is  a hurricane ....its   good for  business  .......yes  sir !!!!!!!home depot ........ and lowes lick their  coprorate  lips ......... on the misery of the ,asses of the masses  .......they say they care  ...but they do not   ....corporate does not  care are only as  good  as lunch time .......yet   fucking peole sell their souls   ......for a  measly paycheck ......i have been through  5 hurricanes  ........they are quite exciting to see  how  bad  mother  nature  can  get ......

incidentally .......i slept all the way through hurricane andrew inside a  closet.......  that a hot colombian  babe  was  renting an apartment at the time ! ......she was  a friend of my girlfriend at the time .......and i never  heard a fucking thing .......voila !!!!!!!!............

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  I really  did not give  a fuck about the  song  .......i mean.........  cher is   totally fucking  epic....... and  all .......but ..........