Saturday, July 16, 2022


Wow there is a shocker huh really....dishonestcorporate guy ......HR .....a good standing male .....FMOB.......i am not  surprised at this are you .....if you are then you  obviously .....have not  worked for american , corporations

 HR Director Bought Corvette Using Embezzled Money
© Provided by MotoriousHR Director Bought Corvette Using Embezzled Money

We know inflation is bad, but this isn’t the way to deal with it…

The accounting and human resources director for a kitchen remodeling company in the Bronx has pled guilty to one count of wire fraud after she was caught embezzling over $630,000. Among the many lavish things Susana Rivera purchased using the funds was a Corvette. Her fate is yet to be determined by the court, but we’d be surprised if she gets to keep the car as part of any deal.

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According to a statement released by the United States Attorney’s Office Southern District of New York, Rivera started charging all kinds of personal expenses to the company credit card starting in November 2019. She purchased jewelry, beauty treatments, laser treatments, travel accommodations, cosmetic surgery, pets, clothing, and apparently at least one other car. We’re guessing the other ride(s) wasn’t as impressive as the Corvette.

Actually, the United States Attorney’s Office Southern District of New York says she only made a partial payment on the $100,000 Corvette. That kind of money likely indicates she bought a new C8 Corvette, but we can’t confirm that detail. Why she didn’t just pay for the whole isn’t clear, but it could be it was already partially paid off, so she used the ill-gotten funds to zero out the debt. Not a smart plan.

Rivera even went so far as to direct the company’s payroll company to make payments to a fake vendor so she would receive the money. That totaled over $370,000. As if that weren’t enough money for her to steal, she used the company’s bank account to pay her personal utility bills. When restrictions were put on the company credit cards so she couldn’t use them anymore, Rivera called the credit card company and posed as the kitchen remodeling company’s owner.

We get things are getting really expensive, especially lately with inflation. But Rivera likely was making great money. It’s amazing how people convince themselves they deserve more, but rather than working hard to make it happen they take a shortcut by stealing. Some do it by using company credit cards, others just break into cars and hack the ignition.

Source: United States Attorney’s Office Southern District of New York

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  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...