Thursday, July 21, 2022

who gives a fuck


Good it helps the envoirment  ....less materials used ......... and  its better  for the envoirment .......glad   we  need  to slow down  too many houses  being bu[lt.......  anyways  ,.........i wished  people would stop moving to Florida ....too many bastards  moving here..........  about  one thousand people  a  day are moving to south florida .....and you can bet your  balls  to a  barn dance ,........that 999 of these  bastards  are  servile  ass holes  ........ using up our  water  and  air ......that   sucks ....... hopefully a  recession will slow the growth on imebas  coming here ......... you can see the  roads  filled  with jack offs  already ......sooner the  better 

Why the alarming surge in contracts being canceled for new homes in Dallas-Fort Worth?

Why the alarming surge in contracts being canceled for new homes in Dallas-Fort Worth?

Dallas-Fort Worth homebuilders are seeing more cancelations of contracts on new homes, triggering a sharp drop in sales and pending sales. Resale cancelations are also rising.

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  I got  banned from  x.....formerly twitter  ......  because......... there was a  white bastard ........ called  chad  ....and he ran over...