Thursday, July 7, 2022

its not the gun

 its not the gun ....ts the person holding it  simple .....respectable  gun owners have  rules  and  follow  them  it  is  parents  or somone  not paying attention  ......its  not the  guns  ....they do not have  arms.........  and  legs ......... they  do not talk to you  its  the.......person holding the  gun .......these  fucking  idiots  that  blame  guns   needs  hit with them over the  fucking head 

Look at My Face and Tell Me We Don’t Need Gun Control

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Courtesy of Lilli Martini
Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Courtesy of Lilli Martini

This story contains graphic images

I’d been to the July 4 parade in Highland Park so many times. This time, I went with my cousin and her boyfriend, plus another 5-year-old cousin and her grandmother. We walked in the pets and children’s march that comes right before the main parade and then rushed to our seats in front of Walker Bros. pancake house to take it all in—like I had done almost every year of my life.

The ambulances and police vehicles that kick off the parade came by, then the marching band passed. That’s when we heard it: pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. I thought it was fireworks until I saw people ducking. Then people started screaming and running and I felt something hit my face.

It actually didn’t hurt that much at first. To me, it felt like a BB pellet. But I jumped up and ran, holding my cousin’s little Yorkie, a bag with my wallet and keys, and my phone. I ended up tripping over a bike, I think, and I dropped my bag and the dog ran off. But I just kept going. I didn’t even want to look back.

I ran into a glass building where I saw a police officer, who gave me gauze. It wasn’t until I stopped running that I realized I was bleeding a lot, all over my clothes. I guess I was just kind of in shock, like everyone else.

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  Pesronally  would it not have been easier  buying a  nice  second hand  yacht....... or  something  better than an old cruise ship  .........