Monday, July 18, 2022

fuck off jessie


Yet another one of these insecure  whining  bitches....what about me!!!!!!what about me !!!!!all women have self worth esteem problems .......get in line bitch  ........geez louise!!!!!! .......anything for attention.......this is what famous  people do they say  bad publicity in better  than none  at all......they a;ways end up on rehad .....drugs or  alchohol .....look at that spoiled  bitch  jackie onassis   lived on  pills  couldnt handle  being wealthy .......well boo ho fucking sob  stanj ass  ......i do admit   jessie  is porkable ........  but  had  2  dustbin lids .......(kids) know  what they say after  two kids  the  old  BC  get  shot .................who knows who cares ,..........

Jessie James Decker Walks Runway in Bikini at Her Miami Swim Week Fashion Show

Jessie James Decker has found her confidence once again.

The 34-year-old slayed the runway on July 15 during a fashion show for her Kittenish By Jessie James Decker Swim label during Miami Swim Week.

Showing off her fit figure, Jessie worked the catwalk in a peach-colored bikini with gold details from her own collection, styled with sky-high gold platforms and a beach-worthy wavy hairstyle.

Jessie's husband of nine years, Eric Decker—with whom she shares Vivianne, 8, Eric II, 6, and Forrest Decker, 4—was on hand to support her big moment. The former NFL star and the "I Look So Good" singer were photographed backstage kissing after the fashion show.

While she radiated confidence on the runway, Jessie has been open about her "vulnerabilities," including her mental health, body image and self-esteem.

"I've been battling some body image issues and when I really think about it, I probably always have," she wrote on Instagram in June. "I go from one extreme to being obsessed with working out and being muscular and thin to just giving up and gaining because the food makes me feel better and then ultimately, it's a cycle that just gets worse again."

Celebs' Favorite Bikini Shots

She also opened up about challenges she faces in her multifaceted career, particularly feeling as if she still needs to prove herself as a country singer.

Jessie James Decker, Kittenish Swim Fashion Show, Miami
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images for Kittenish

"I feel like I'm constantly in a battle with the rest of the industry to prove to them that I'm not just a TV personality or an influencer because that has outshined my music," she continued. "As a woman in 2022, I don't understand why I can't have a family, publish books, own a fashion brand, be an influencer, and do TV without being questioned if I take my music career seriously just because I've chosen to dream big."

Jessie James Decker, Eric Decker, Kittenish Swim Fashion Show, Miami
Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images for Kittenish

After her candid post, which Eric called "inspiring and beautiful," Jessie told E! News' Daily Pop that by sharing her feelings, she felt "like a weight was lifted."

"It's been a couple years where I've just been having some things that happened and it really started to affect me," she said on June 27. "I've always been a really strong person and able to pretty much tackle anything, but I think it got to a place where all the outside things I was dealing with just got so heavy and it started to affect me and I wanted to address it with my fans because I think they started to notice."

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ABOUT TIME ........

  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...