Thursday, June 30, 2022

drugs are a choice

LIsten she chose th e drugs over life  .....i could have chosen  drugs  but i  didn't .....fentynol we all know is  deadly so why would you take it ....i simply do not  understand  self  hatred on such a  level you  would kill yourself ........the  hatred  has to come  from somewhere ....we  all have  choices  .....she is  just  sadly another statistic  .....and  waste of  a beautiful life  ....and won't be the last unfortunately ....until you start  executing the dealers .......we all know the risks of  vaping   ....drinking  ....smoking .......etc  etc ......but  people  will not  and  never  learn .....simple 

Danielle died at 19. Police failed her and a heartbroken PA family she left behind (opi0ds


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I just had to post  this one   .........i mean FFS.....raquel welch  .......enjoy   for all you married  guys ........  this is........   or...