You should never ever trust your waiter or upset them.....because they are the ones in charge f your food ....i was a waiter on 3 occasions ......and the stuff i saw and heard it was pretty scary me if you are going to be a cunt make sure you have all your food eaten ....i have seen waiters do dome really really and i mean really despicable things to food to a customer .....people do not think it happens but it really really does ...not to mention the cook or chef ....most of them are addicts usually ....i have never seen a normal one yet that does not drink smoke or do something .....very few are clean ........maybe i was unlucky but they are under a lot of stress.....
But if you saw road trip and kyle ....with the french toast ....i saw worse than that .....i am always nice to waiters but now restaurants are getting bad and expensive .....iid luck on your food .....yum yum piggies bum
Waitress sparks debate after revealing her biggest customer pet peeves: ‘People just stare at you like you’re crazy’
A waitress has sparked an animated discussion after airing her biggest on-the-job pet peeves.
For almost a year, a 24-year-old TikToker, Lizzy Smith (@c0_0l__) has used the app to chronicle her experiences in the service industry. Her most popular videos give insight into the customer behavior that annoys wait staff the most.
What is inflation and what causes it?
TikTok is full of content from service industry workers, who often raise issues that others may not be aware of.
Starbucks baristas have shared their wildest drink orders, including one that was literally too big for the blender. Restaurant workers have been sharing their daily earnings at places like Waffle House and Hooters.
One of Smith’s most popular clips shows the waitress reenacting her biggest pet peeves in real time.
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