Monday, March 21, 2022

be here always


Co-vid is not going away ......anytime soon ......its going to be a an excuse for the govt to control all the  sheeple .....the masses ......the scared  .....the asses....the lines will not  end .....fear is a great  controller..... it also helps the masses get divided the world of the greatest war general that ever  lived ........julius ceasar .....divide and  conquer ......and right now .....we  have never been  more  divided fear media ....which i personally think is  the biggest culprit on mother earth so many people are controlled by facebook the satatnical platform ...they are scared  to let on what they think...... or  say .........   fuckers like me......  who get banned  for  saying the  truth ......and why i have this  blog .......mark zucherburg  talks  out of  his  2  faces  .......he like his  privacy yet wants  to exploit  the weak ......and  foolish  ......privacy and these  assholes  accept this  shit .....the staff at face  book are servile  bastards....... of epic  proportions......  who mostly live ....... mooch or   are  still  attached  to their  parents ...... with no life  experience at all ......... and  mostly pot heads ...... from oregon........ a shithole of  humanity  where  heroin is  rife  .....

however  the  rant i was  saying  is  get used  to new strains of covid  every year .......its the govts way of  fucking up all you have worked  for  .......

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......