Monday, May 24, 2021



Is'nt the world over populated any ways .......that's what they keep fucking saying .....too many people  .....not enough food water land  etc...etc......i wished these  assholes would make up their mind ,.....the eco system is strained these wankers are saying the opposite .....whata load of bollocks ......we need to to scale back on human beings let the planet get a chance to heal

Long Slide Looms for World Population, With Sweeping Ramifications

Damien Cave, Emma Bubola and Choe Sang-Hun
Diners at a Haidilao, China's most popular hot pot chain, in Beijing, June 30, 2018. (Gilles Sabrie/The New York Times)
Diners at a Haidilao, China's most popular hot pot chain, in Beijing, June 30, 2018. (Gilles Sabrie/The New York Times)

All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a dizzying reversal unmatched in recorded history that will make first-birthday parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore.

Maternity wards are already shutting down in Italy. Ghost cities are appearing in northeastern China. Universities in South Korea cannot find enough students, and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of properties have been razed, with the land turned into parks.

Like an avalanche, the demographic forces — pushing toward more deaths than births — seem to be expanding and accelerating. Although some countries continue to see their populations grow, especially in Africa, fertility rates are falling nearly everywhere else. Demographers now predict that by the latter half of the century or possibly earlier, the global population will enter a sustained decline for the first time.

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......