Saturday, May 15, 2021

Total bollocks


Total bollocks first of all these  signs are total bollocks and the whole deal with the dog that matches you bestn.....iof course if you believe everything you read or see on the internet are pretty much fucked.....especially on the likes of   face book and  suchlike bollocks .........if a  dog likes  you then its all good  does not give  a  fuck if you area  scorpio or   saggitaurus bollocks  as long as  you feed him ......or her .....ewalk them .....give them  treats  and   shit ........they  donyt give a  rats  ass ......all they want is  a place to  sleep  eat  and  somone  to take  care of them .......all that star sign shit   ......

The Best Dog For You to Get as a Pet, According to Your Zodiac Sign

48 Slides

Dogs are just the best, aren't they? With their goofy faces, loving personalities, and cuddly natures, they're exactly what this world needs more of.

But if you're thinking of adopting, it can be difficult and overwhelming trying to figure out which breed to bring into your life and your home. With so many different dogs out there, it's best to have some kind of guide to help you on your way to canine bliss (I swear, they make life 100 times better). And the zodiac is more than just something to help you match relationships and make life goals — it can also help you find your perfect pup.

Each sign has a dog that was destined for them and matches their particular personality quirks. Keep reading to find out which dog is right for your sign, and happy adopting!

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......