Friday, January 22, 2021

hitting the ground running........................


So if i am right in understanding ..president joe biden said  100 days ....100 million people so we now have 2 million vaccinated already ?......! million a day is  this possible ........i ask myself  .....when there is a  shortage of  vaccines ......the MSM is  saying .......but apparently  america  and  other  so called  civilized  countries  are hogging /hoarding all the vaccines .....America is  not known to  be  very  fair  when it comes  to honesty .......we all know  they would  take  care of their  biz 100 million ......100 days ......political pandering and  talk ........just remember ....president is  just the  front man  for the greater  powers  who control the world .....he is merely a puppet for the  elite  ....if you don't know this  .....well oh dear......

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......