I am not sure about the rest of you all ....but i am way over this presidential bollocks .......whatever happens ......... either way we are fucked like a crack whore in an abandoned alley way ......because the president is just the bitch to a more powerful entity ....not even about money ....its a power that is way beyond the realms of thinking of the average human being .....average by i mean the commoners .......yep the average joe who toils away all his life to be handed a watch when he retires after giving his all to the big fat cat ......the boss .......the man the CEO ...who does not give a fuck about you at all .....i know i was there i worked for a company i got sick .....they do not care about you.........they pretend ,....worse in america america pretends but eventually is veneer careless thoughtless mentality comes blistering through .....it starts at the top and rolls down .....and it ends up in the hands of HR .....the are the deliverers of the bad news they get paid just enough to think they are important ....but they are still salaried ........and as long as you are salaried .......you can be chopped .......like celery .......its nothing personal they tell you in america ....that's the corporate mantra ........a person can have a bbq ..with you talk nice to your face and on monday will fire you ........and say ......hey its nothing personal ......its always personal ....life is personal ........so if i break some fuckers nose because i don't like how they treat kids ....that's not personal ......its about kids right .....This is the excuse human being use for being a cunt .......simple ....oh!!!!!!! its nothing personal ......yeah right ......this is how CEO's sleep at night they use dogs to bark for them .....why have a dog and bark yourself right !!!!!!!!...and guess what there is no shortage of dogs .............
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