Saturday, October 3, 2020

stop blaming the elite starts with us


I have posted this rant before  ....maybe a couple of times  but who knows ......maybe !!!!!!!!!!.....anyways  ....everyone is  too busy blaing the rich .....the billionaires .....the elite .......the 6%er's.....for all the problems .....why .....when it is us .....the lower  enchelants on the totem pole .....all they do is pay for you /us to do their dirty work ....while they do not soil their mittens .........think about it ....all that is built .....made  ...constructed not  done by the man in the suit in the office  driving the benzo .......or its the grunt ....the lower  rung on the ladder......the elite  just have the  vision and the money steve bezos does not do nothing he is the richest he gets  grunts .....bill gates ....etc etc.......that's how it is  we  make the rich rich .....they just have the cash  to pay for the dirty work ...........everyone blames  the wrong people  when things are not  good ......wal-mart its not the chinese  bosses  who are the problem  its the ignorant  uneducated people  from the fields  in the country  who need  money to feed  families  so they work form dawn till dusk ....making things  for  wal mart .....if they didn't who would ? .....this is  how it's done .....from the beginning of  time's just more  prevalent  today .....but they can  disguise  it better  today with technology .....enslavement that is stop blaming the rich  for our  demise  ....blame us ....its  really that simple ........ 

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......