Saturday, October 10, 2020

predicitons area 2nd wave .......


There are predictions there will be a 2nd wave of the covid.....which will just demonstrate stupidity of human beings .......probably cause by barflies ......and people  wanting to get out and mingle .......if anything this virus has exposed  fear and stupidity on a massive scale .......not too mention how people  think about how they prioritize their lives the fact when the first round came ......every fucking retard was buying shit paper .....yes!!!!!!yes shit paper .......not  things like food .....i don't get it why not food  why is  shite paper so more important than food .......don't people know they can crap and shower themselves off ......which tell em  were  area surrounded  by fucking absolute retards ........why is  shitting paper more important than food ......this pandemic/hoax has told me one thing about human beings .....they suck ass!!!!!!....on a level that is inconceivable .......with their fighting for shit paper in supermarkets .......waiting in line  .........for  shit paper at supermarkets bad  as voting i guess  .....and waiting for shit paper  go figure  these  people .......when does on suddenly decide that shit paper overrides food and eating .......i wish i knew's a mystery ......i am not sure about anywhere els in the planet ....but in america  ....they prioritized shitting paper over food .......WTF!!!!!!is wrong with you people  .......and you know know  women were  behind this fear .....guys do not give a fuck they will use a  magazine or a sock or an old t-shirt ,.,........women want that soft fluffy shit the bears in the ad  uses know they show 8 quarters on a shit paper  before it gives is women that cause the trouble .....guy in a panic do not give a fuck ....if there is no toilet they will use the  socks and launder them .......women won't it is  your fault  .......the blame lies with you ........still hopefully when the 2nd wave comes these  high strung loonies will not  get  nuts about shit paper all the old socks from the tumble dryer and it might just save the planet .....or not ................

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......