Listen i don't know about you....but no material person or human being in that matter is worth dying for ....... apart from my parents who have passed well there is no human being i consider that is worth their salt.....especially today ......however house is worth a dam life .......i do not get that mentality ....when you know you are fucked in a fire ........ there is nothing you can do ........
Human beings have no power over fire and water .....its destructive beyond......but stupid is as stupid does..........listen all i know is if you build in the forest or near a river ....its just a matter of time .....really .....and as we are royally fucking the planet over ......more is on the way ......get used to it .......the more you own ....the more you are owned .......less is more .....i see it all the time .....some people cannot understand the trap ....unless you are magnificently rich and have pots of dosh/cash/green ...........then you don't care .....but when the well runs dry do the things around you .....but i guess it is all relevant ..........still i guess now they have nothing at all not even life ....because of a stupid house ......
All i can say like flooding ....disasters and tsunamis ....does not discriminate on any level just equally delivers death in the same package .........whether you are fat ......thin ......good........ bad is an equal opportunity killer .........but i guess some people feel that they can beat the odd on this .....good luck chuck !!!!!!
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