Monday, October 19, 2020

he came he went.......


I have to say ...whatever this man did in his life ....he did right ...... what man does not want to die  after  blowing his load .....they would be lying  otherwise .......but not everyone  has  agreat marriage ........not every guy  gets  ass in amrriage  after a while ........its a crap shoot ....

Matthew McConaughey Reveals Dad Died While Having Sex With His Mom

Ron Dicker
·General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost

Matthew McConaughey has shared details of his parents’ volatile relationship ― and how it came to an end.

The Oscar winner revealed in his new memoir “Greenlights” that his father, James McConaughey, died while having sex with his mother, Kay. It was just how his dad predicted, the actor recalled.

“I got a call from my Mom. ‘Your dad died.’ My knees buckled,” McConaughey wrote in an excerpt shared by People. “I couldn’t believe it. He was my dad. Nobody or nothing could kill him. Except mom. He’d always told me and my brothers, ‘Boys, when I go, I’m gonna be makin’ love to your mother.’ And that’s what happened. He had a heart attack when he climaxed.”

The “Beach Bum” actor, who was born after his parents married each other for the third time, characterized their bond as “the Pacific Ocean in a storm.”

“They were, at times, violent,” he told People. “As I say in the book, that is how they communicated.”

His father died in 1992. His mother is now 88.

Matthew McConaughey with his wife Camila Alves and mother Kay McConaughey in 2014. (Photo: Gregg DeGuire via Getty Images)
Matthew McConaughey with his wife Camila Alves and mother Kay McConaughey in 2014. (Photo: Gregg DeGuire via Getty Images)

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......