Tuesday, October 20, 2020

fudging nunbers and stats


it has been proven time and time again .....about the govt .....media ....etc....etc .....of lying ....fudging numbers ........in all aspects of life  ......you know  .......padding ........if you put your trust in any govt bodies  you are just as bad  as them ......the CIA ....they lie .....CDC .....FEMA....FBI.....but i am hearing numbers of  millions infected  by this so  called  virus.......and as  we  all know the media ...........who are the biggest bullshitters of  all ....i mean look at things like CNN .......the morning show .....the today show .......the likes of  savannah guthrie .....a  fucking complete  media  whore and that  wanna be  asshole  george stephanopolis  they are all paycheck whores  ....making millions .......but the commoners  love the news .....and the moguls  know  that the empty headed  fear driven commoners  ....suck up that shit  like a  sponge .....and the ad men throw in their med  ads ......billions are spent on the today show  every morning peddling....... their  meds  .....take this  but you will bleed  ...or your stools will do this  .....or  take this birth control may lead  to bleeding.....but the commoners  believe big pharma ....look at the opiods  ....its all a  fucking scam.......because the media ......... especially after this  covid 2020 bollocks .......commoners  have been glued to the TV .....and you think big pharama has not capitalized on your misery......!!!!!Sure they have ....... look at the demographics ....... when female shows ......mostly are on .....they ad  for tampons ......piss pads ......yeast infection ....shit stuff  .....anti- perspirant  ..........this is  carefully planned  science of  ad men preying on the weak the common ,......the simple  minded  housewife  who needs and  wants to be told  what to buy ........its  powerful  shit  ....but  if you have not figured  out that shit .......you bought the  pony .......its all about money .....nothing else  .....they pretend they care  .....but they don't .......like i have said  ....america is not a country .....it;s a  business  a huge one  ....run not by govt'ss ......but  by sinister  wealth .........and they get you roped in with fear .......just like politics  .....fear is the tool used  in religion ...too .......you are meant too feel  guilty for someone  dying  ........its all bollocks  to get you roped in to the system of  evil ....once you get what you think is the american  dream .........it doesn't take long to find  out its a  night mare  ......covid  has   sure done that .........if you think they care about you ,......you are already lost .....they only  care  for that 2 minutes  you  stand  in partake in to vote  after  that ......you are nothing more than dog shit on their  feregamos ......and a  birth certificate they hedge bets on ..........its nothing personal .......

You don't need  to vote  ...but they sold  you a  bag of  dreams............ of  what you  are  going to  get  .....but you  don't .........they know you will vote ......its all planned ......... but  every  commoner is  too afraid   because they  don't trust themselves  or their  friend ....or  even their  families .......political voting has  even  divided  families  ....friends ....etc  etc ........ what do you get  for your  ROI ?.......well you get to pay taxes..........  to the govt to  spend on whatever  they like  at your  expense .........even when you die !!!!!!!they still want their  taxes .......so you think you matter in this  massive  rotunda  of  corruption spending  and  political panhandling ........

It all ends up in those clubs where there are cigars......old spice .....talk of  portfolios .....gold watches .....men with suits and watches  paid for by you .....and those  nice  smelling leather  chair........,the good old  boys  emporium ......it  all washes  into the same  stream of  senatorial hand  wringing  ,.,.....and deals of epic   proportions beyond your  dreams  .....power  corrupts........  total power  corrupts  absolute ........they are all friends.......  on  media they hate each other  ,,,,,,but they all have their portfolios ....their  deals ....and the  same club ......you have to have the  punch and judy routine  ....good cop....... bad  cop ......otherwise americans would not be fooled into  voting for their  party ....there are 3 things in america ........truth .....justice  and the american way .......one law  for the rich ....and the rest  you ............but ......as long as  no one  spills the beans  it's all good  ....they all go to the same  club .......people that  say they are going to spill the beans  ....always end up dead ..........funny that huh !!!!!!!!

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