Sunday, October 11, 2020

from time to time .........

 As i have said on many occasions i cannot vote as i am not an american citizen ....or will or would i .......i don't see the point .......i don't think it matters  .....yet i have heard rhetorts like ....."of course every single vote counts "......all i can say is  "bollocks " if we  get down to the nitty gritty of  it all that means  in a  tight election .........for presidency you would see the TV cameras........ and  all the media at a polling station saying........... "This is folks!!!!!!....." vote  decides  the presidency  vote  from joe  shmidt see who becomes  president .......i do not see it somehow all vote .....would decide a president .......nope ........don't buy it at all is  way too sinister  a  system of  corruption and  big money for one  vote to count when they say every vote counts  ....i tend to think they are talking out their ass is  the biggest scam......that........ and buying a second hand car .....funerals .....and easter  bunny ......xmas......tooth fairy .....and marriage ........where the women promises  the man she will be a whore  tavern wench and  food pig for life  ......but lies .........its just to fools the guy into she is  going to be a  chicken wing eating beer  guzzling whore  ....for life  .....until they move in together .......then it changes ,,.........its all  smoke and mirrors........if you think i am lying  ....ask thousands  of men .....they realize they fucked  up  when the pregnancy test   comes  positive over !!!!!!!......however  i have  strayed  off the  subject is not down to just one  vote........ at all.....that would be  ridiculous  to think a  president  could be  decided  on some  simple  minded  yahoo  standing for  hours   to  cast a vote  in 2 minutes  .......think about it .......not gonna  happen.......if you do .....then you are crazier  than a bag of  fleas .....good luck voting ......standing in line  in the cold /heat/rain/snow/or whatever  or  wherever you live ....i will have  a cup of  coffee  for you ..........enjoy!!!!!!!

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......