Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Well my feelings towards mark are riddled with disdain.....he lies....... and he is not honest....... and he only sees one side of the deal ....his side .....its all good when you have billions......and why is his wife not taken his married name ...after all .....they are married and have a sprog.....kid ....window licker.......maybe she is a traditionalist .........and likes keeping her oriental heritage .....otherwise why isn't she priscilla zucherburg ,......
The other thing.......  300 million is nothing to this guy ......nothing ....good tax write off mark!!!!!!! .......but he will look good for the fools....... will think he dived into his deep .....deep...... pockets to show he cares .....when in actual fact he doesn't give a fuck!!!! ....if he did ...why is his platform one sided ....and why have i been barred for telling the truth likey!!!!........still his grovelling paycheck whores....... will think he is god as always ....after all when you have billions own countless  desperate souls ....who have to work .....because they have wife and kids ......and mark comes from liberal money you know it will be given to his satanical  compadres ...we all know  mark ......we saw the inside of your hoodie ......we all know about the  billionaires club ....probably the masses do not .........their heads are up their asses  thinking you are god .......looking at the fucking servile ..disgusting fact checkers ......... you have on your servile platform .....mind you look at the  address of facebook ....1 hackers way.......yep!!!!!!! go figure ....he sold all facebook fools out long time ago ....but the fucking fools on facebook do not care...... and mark knows they don't care .....because we all know face book is a platform for the low self worth....... and the pathetic servile human beings .......who get a boner from posting their sandwiches....... their beer .....and their kids...... and selfies .....and ranting and demanding attention .......its nothing else ......,.....
If mark gave a fuck about people which he doesn't ....he might be a  good guy ......with a cause .......but we all know about the way he treats the people in his area .....because he wants to build a huge wall around his mansion .....i thought liberals don't want walls ....oh dear mark ....hypocrite again.....he runs with a mass of bodyguards ......why know why ....he can afford it  ........and probably he couldn't....... because he has a conscience ......that's what wealth brings you have to have people to guard you ....funny you pay to be free .....but you aren't are imprisoned even when you run..... you are not free to run are surrounded like a prisoner ......only a different type ......enjoy mark can fool the masses ....there is enough 

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan are donating $300 million to promote safe voting in the 2020 election (Isobel Asher Hamilton)

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan. <p class="copyright">Taylor Hill/Getty Images</p>
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan.

  • Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan are donating $300 million toward infrastructure to carry out the 2020 US presidential election.
  • Of that, $250 million will go toward the nonprofit Center for Tech and Civic Life to fund staffing, training, and equipment in local jurisdictions.
  • The remaining $50 million is going to the nonprofit Center for Election Innovation and Research to help secure voting.
  • The donations come with Zuckerberg under constant scrutiny over the spread of political misinformation on Facebook and over the company's policies regarding fact-checking.
Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, on Tuesday revealed plans to donate $300 million to try to help people vote in the 2020 presidential election.
The news was unveiled by the two nonprofits benefiting from the donation: the Center for Tech and Civic Life and the Center for Election Innovation and Research.
The Center for Tech and Civic Life will receive $250 million, which it says it will distribute to local election jurisdictions for staffing, training, and equipment.
The Center for Election Innovation and Research will receive the remaining $50 million, which will be spent on helping local jurisdictions secure their voting data.
"Due to the unprecedented challenges COVID-19 will have on voting across the country, election officials are working around the clock to make sure that every voter has the ability to participate safely and have their vote counted," Zuckerberg and Chan said in a joint statement.
"Many counties and states are strapped financially and working to determine how to staff and fund operations that will allow for ballots to be cast and counted in a timely way," the couple added. "These donations will help to provide local and state officials across the country with the resources, training and infrastructure necessary to ensure that every voter who intends to cast a ballot is able to, and ultimately, to preserve the integrity of our elections."
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......