Sunday, September 20, 2020

the 72nd emmy's

The 72nd emmy's is really really piss poor servile pandering audience .....and people accepting their  servile awards on TV screens .......the whole BLM movement is racist itself .....all lives matter ....not just black ....white yellow .....brown ....all likes matter ......even animals .....of course  if you eat meat you don't give a fuck about life ........usually people don't .......but the emmy's is servile .....weak pandering .....groveling i do hope the ratings fucking tank ......the racial agenda is ruining shit ....america is a servile country always has been ....and anyone with a gram of  common sense  knows this is a racist ....murdering war mongering ....materialistic rotunda ....of  bohemoth proportions ,........if you have not figure out after  approx241 .....or 2 ....or 3.....4 years ....then you area  numb nutted retard .......america  doesn't even care about it's white people  unless you are white and a  billionaire of course .........only if you are rich and a  satanist does america  care about you ........i amazed at the fact that racism is just rearing its stupid ugly ...servile head now ......if you think  slavery was only  for black  people  you are a really a stupid cunt ........there is  rampant slavery now more than ever  .....only difference is slavery has went  financial ......if you are black ....white ....spanish ....chinese ....mexican .....or whatever you creed ....orientation ....sexuality is ......if you have a  mortgage ....a job ....a  car payment card .....and bills to pay ....and things like credit and you have shit on a  card're a fucking  financial slave stop saying  kumabya and chains and  shit are a  money slave to the big boss .......your mortgage you don't own your house the bank does ......if you have  car payments  ,'s not yours..........  they can repo it if you don't  pay you don't own shit ....... until you have it  lock ....stock and barrel .......that's the real slavery ....and you pay interest on something that is  devaluing every day ......your car ....your flat screen ....your furniture .....and sometimes  the house when i hear people  say about slavery .......there is more slavery now  than there has  ever  been just don't  know you are being fucked over ......but  big financial institutions are hedging bets against your stupid ass  ....if you win or lose .........that's the game  ....don't hate the player  ,,  are the game .....players are playing you chains nothing .....

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......