Sunday, September 6, 2020

thank you China for ruining all events

Well thanks a fricking bundle China for ruining shit .....all events .......concerts .....sports .....holidays ......socializing ......I know you are repressed nation of brainwashed masses .....for example ......internet Life are the most sexually repressed nation of people .....worse than America're women are treated sub serviant ...and you even killed babies that were born girls that is coming back to haunt you .....because there are too many guys ......who are the cause of your problems ..........and you control the population with. Censorship......and jail and execution eat and destroy any animal life .....with no respect or regard for living things ........everyone knows the masses are ruled.  By vicious tyrrany........yet you had to give us you're despicable virus ........couldn't be content ...fucking killing your own people ......had to kill others ......I think you should be sued by everyone ........look at our sports ......they are useless pathetic and empty .......thanks to you concerts ......thanks to you .......everything is fucked up thanks to you China .......if you were not hated before certainly are despised by masses now are not content ....buying up places for domination have to infect people ......not too mention you manufacture and poisoned children with baby formulas .......thanks China ........a truly servile country ......with servile principles........

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......