Wednesday, September 2, 2020

RIP chadwick boseman

I know no  one likes death ....but you know when a  famous person dies many other people died that day ....lot'!!!!!!.....i  never heard of him ...but then he did movies i do not watch ...i only watch movies that i think might be good and i am not easily pleased ....actors are usually extensions of themselves robert de niro he always did movies where he was a cunt ...jack off ...gangster ....joe pesci tried to be funny ...but he was a chad bosewick he is getting airtime more than some famous people and he is dead !!! go figure ....why do people love people more when they are dead.....!!!!! it's fucked up.....for example look at michael jackson ...broke after he croaked  sold a fucking fortune ......i will never understand human beings fascination with death ....they even give dead people awards ....what the fuck is that all about .....i still say ...give it to them when they can enjoy it doesn't make sense to me all that dead people celebration ....they are gone .....people die every fucking day but you are famous dam!!!!!!!!oh well different strokes  for different folks ......i can't even get started on funerals ...definitely the dumbest shit ever....but that's cultural brainwashing .....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......