Tuesday, September 1, 2020


I have never ever voted in my life ......and have been told i am wrong....guess ....yes!!!!! by poeple who vote ..... and there is a reason why i do not vote ......because i am not indoctrinated by society to lead me to believe that a  govt that runs peoples lives and controls peoples lives ....tax them ....even after they die ......and yet people will still vote for an evil entity.....but the masses believe their govt has their interest at heart ......oh !!!!well now is a great example of how brainwashing is epidemic .....if you do not see these numbers and fact about covid !!!!is rigged .....you know the govt loves nothing more than a mass of  people  in fear .....if you think  you are free ....then why is your birth certificate on the stock exchange with a number .....but no one listen ....because they only care about ...getting their weekly paycheck to stop them being homeless......and their encapsulated existence ......This is what the govt wants a family to be financially enslaved ...so they will do what they are told .....and if anything has shown us 2020 is the beginning of  a sinister life .....say goodbye to your freedom of 2019.....
The govt never has cared ....any of them ....especially america...as i have said before ....it's a business no ta  country ....it never was ...it has been bought and sold ...you just don't know that it has ....mostly by china....uk....japan ....and a few emirates ........the only things that is god given american ........is guns....and beef...which is subsidized to a tune that if it was not .....beef would be 96 dollars a pound .....Budweiser is not american beer anymore ......the chinese buy thousands of businesses ....like smith field farms ...owned by china ..........but america is great at one thing .....big pharma ....lots of them are made in china ..........but as long as no one cares ...which they don't would would your  govt care about you ......all american govt cares is one thing...... from you .......once every 4 years .......yep!!!!!! ....your vote ....after they get that........ they couldn't care if you drop dead ....it's just a fact .......that's all that matters is your vote .....if you think you are more important than this .....you are truly nuts .....and they reward you with a beautiful little  sticker for you standing in the rain .....the sun ....the cold ....to vote .....for a govt that has already made a plan without your consent ...with your tax money .......you play they play .....you struggle to raise kids ....they live in gated communities and live a great life at your expense .......but you will faithfully  plod back..... or waddle ...or walk ...or run....to vote ...to think you made a difference ..........
America does not want critical thinkers .....they are dangerous the govt want you to be like a factory worker ......you know ...you show up .....pluck the chickens or do the same thing and not ask questions ......they don't care about the minuscule bunch that knows ....they know no one will believe them .....american education is the worse in the developed world .....and they love it ....ignorance is bliss to a govt .......it's true .......

But life will go on and the masses will just keep doing their thing because they don't care as long as they can feed their kids ....and pay a bill ......it's all that matters ......that is the dream .....make sure this ....as long as the govt give this ,......they will never be questioned ....it's called the american dream .....and they will give you what you think is a dream .....credit cards ....car payments .....house ...medical ......but nothing is free .......its the truth ......if you don't know anything .....know this ...on wall street .....hedge funders ...money managers .......are taking insurances on you .....if you win or lose ........it's a known fact ....i don't make this shit up ......same with your mortgage ...they take bates on you /......its just a game ......nothing personal .....just a game for  the powerful ....

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address  ........by the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......