Wednesday, September 30, 2020

like i say about barflies

          Well is anyone surprise i have said  a  barfly is  like a house/dung/horse/shit fly will keep returning to the same place  until you swat it ......a bar fly is the same will keep  going to the same drinking hole in day out  till it closes  ......its the same thing on a larger  scale ..........flies  don't care  .....all they know  is  to keep  going to the same spot ........a bar fly  will keep  going back until he dies of  covid 19.....or till the place shuts  down .......simple .......not   hard to figure this out at all...........


Florida reported a spike in COVID-19 cases just days after allowing restaurants and small businesses to fully reopen (Tyler Sonnemaker)
<p class="copyright">CARLO ALLEGRI/Reuters</p>
  • Florida's health department recorded 3,266 new coronavirus cases on Tuesday, a massive jump from 738 new daily cases it recorded on Monday.

  • Florida's cases had been declining, but Tuesday marked the highest single-day total since September 19, bringing the state's total count to 704,568.

  • Gov. Ron DeSantis lifted all restrictions on restaurants and small businesses at the end of last week.

  • Reports showed large crowds gathering throughout the state over the weekend.

  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Health officials in Florida reported 3,266 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, up from the previous day's new case tally of 738, bringing the state's total case count to 704,568.

Officials also reported 106 new deaths, bringing the state's total to 14,313 since March.

Despite being a coronavirus hotspot for most of the summer, Florida had seen a decline in cases during most of September and hadn't seen more than 3,000 cases in a single day since September 19, when it recorded 3,573 new cases.

The state's rate of new tests that are positive is 10.7%, an increase from the previous week, according to Johns Hopkins.

Tuesday's spike comes just days after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday issued an order allowing the total reopening of all restaurants and businesses and eliminating fines for those refusing to wear masks. Media reports showed large crowds gathering throughout the state over the weekend. Though, it's unclear if the recent spike has a direct correlation with the openings.

DeSantis' order and overall response to the pandemic have been met with backlash as the coronavirus continues to spread statewide. Florida was one of the last states to announce a state-at-home order, with DeSantis making the announcement April 1 when several other states had already implemented them in March.

A July poll found that DeSantis' popularity dropped quickly due to his handling of the pandemic, with 49% of Florida voters saying they disapproved of his performance, compared to 62% the previous year.

Read the original article on Business 

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......