Tuesday, September 8, 2020

from time to time

from time to time ..........you may see my blog change in colour ....format ....style ....etc ....etc .....this is becausee it is in constant state of i dont know which i like ......blogger gives me some choices ....i am trying to find the right hippie look .....and i am constantly changing .....please bear with me.......... it may take a few decades of fucking around .......i have had this website for about 25 or so years....... i shoud have done more with it  ...but its a hippie  site ....and that's no excuse.....but's its all i have ......i wished i could make money......... but i have the attention span of  a dungfly ......and am not computer literate ....i can do some shit .....but i drive my self nuts .......so you may one day get brown ........and one day....... grey........ and one day black ......but i  will keep ranting and raving ........if you wanna add to the site  ...feel free .......any time just send your rants .....raves or whatever you want to say .....to internationalhippe@gmail.com. ........i will cut it and paste it as you sent it .......no illegal shit ........jail food is too strachy.......... and i am not a soap caddy ...........so with that in mind......... i will kepp trying ..........and maybe one day figure it out .......or not !!!!!!!.....

may the wind be at your back ......
the sun be in your face ..........
and the road rise up to meet you ..... 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......