Friday, September 11, 2020

empty houses ........

i don't know about anyone else ......but as  far as the sport seasons go ......i really don't care for it .......why would any sport personality or player in an empty stadium .....the whole idea of sport  is  spectator  driven .....they bring a sense of fun to the game .....playing to  cardboard cut-outs and empty seats and  tv screens is  totally a  waste of time ......why would anyone show up to an empty stadium  ......because money that's why .....if anything these athletes are just paycheck whores simple will never be the same  .......we are all animalistic .........we  love that gladitorial setting of fans .........and cheers and boos........ and inter reaction ....winning or losing and of  course the presentation its empty spoul less and stupid ...

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OH GEE LET ME THINK ..............

  Well god dam jesus christ son of a  carpentero ..........really what a  fucking lsoer   and  they expect this guy to  go  straight into a ...