Monday, August 31, 2020

VMA'S part 2

Pop music is this empty mindless .....soulless .....drivel for the  empty headed's not about depth or meaning's just music for the sake of churning out endless conveyor belt beats .......its meaning less at best ......but it's repetitiveness is what gets people addicted sticks in their head that godawful baby shark song ......or aqua barbie girl you have not much between your ears .....then this is what pop music is for .......look at the boy bands .......they are solely aimed towards pre-pubescent mall rats .......that's it ......i mean no grown person ....should be liking this shit ,, would be weird.....but it you have no depth rhythm or sould ....or no clue about music .....thats's what pop music is .......but all you need is a rhythm machine and you can create any crap ...really .....most of the pop music is filled with a few words ......and then pop beats .......some of the rappers do not even makes sense with some of their made up words .......but it makes them rich ......but it boils down to supply and demand ......VMA's proved it don't have to be talented .......just the ability to put on a ton of make up .......look pretty .....and that includes the guy's....and the mall rats will buy the goodies ......

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......