Monday, August 24, 2020

this post may sound cruel

Listen my heart goes out to anyone who died in these wild fires in california or any wild fires .......but there is one thing i have to say which may sound sinister in its undertones ........why would you want to build out in the woods ...knowing that you are gobbling up precious resources that animals need ..........obviously you need money's not a poor mans venture on any level is my thought ....instead of building multi million dollars homes ....usually designed by women ....for women ...for them to show off to her friends over bottle s of wine and cheese while they brag to each other about their 20 pillows on the bed they pit in a box at night time .....or the bath towels they do not use ......or the dinner table set for all times display crap my point is  instead of building house and using up resources for animals  why don't you buy these plots and let the animals live here which they have more rights than you bought it to build a house  ....but the land is really there's .....maybe its a karmic payback for all the greed  who knows after all its was lightning  ....maybe  if you lived in somewhere less  populated by wood ......i don't know i would never  do this sort of thing as i love animals ........yes i know we get these animal lovers who tell you they love animals ........but eat them too .....its an oxymoronic belief on any level .....and usually these people are just using th animals to fill an empty void in their self loathing existence we all know  ....people want what they want and sometimes its a want more than a need  ....and usually people with money fall under that umbrella .....acquisitions to fill their emptiness do you think america is a largest consumer much money does one need many houses  can you buy .......can you imagine if rich people just bought 1 nice house car and stuff and used the rest of their money to help say ....hungry children ....the planet ......etc ....etc ......but that ain't going to happen look at mark zucherburg .....destroying stuff around his house  to make a wall in his mansion .....obviously terrified of life ........he knows people hate him ......bill gates  all the rich people  pretend they care ....but they don't give a fuck ........but the commoners make them rich by working for them ....buying their products etc....etc ....etc .....look at kylie jenner ......makes millions for her make up .....because pre-pubescent mall rats are enamored by a girl who was  born into privilege ........same with mark zucherburg a yale brat ....born with a silver liberal spoon in his mouth ......they don't give a shit ...........still they will do what they will do ..............

old chinese proverb .......fisherman can have 2 boats ...but only row one at a time ..........

California 'dream house,' decades in the making, is in ashes

VACAVILLE, Calif. (AP) — When he closes his eyes at night, Hank Hanson hears sirens in his dreams -- a byproduct of living nearly 30 years in the wildfire-prone wilderness of Northern California between San Francisco and Sacramento.
But about 1 a.m. Wednesday, Hanson knew he wasn’t dreaming when he looked to the hills above his home.
The ridge line, where he and his wife in daylight tracked the sun's shifting seasonal paths, was lit up as if someone had strung lights across it and plugged it in.
“It started pouring toward us like a waterfall,” Hanson, 81, said.
The fire was one of the more than 500 wildfires ignited across California this week from what state firefighting officials are calling a “lightning siege” — summer thunderstorms that produce little or no rain but have prompted nearly 12,000 lightening strikes across sun-scorched terrain.
More than 13,700 firefighters are battling the blazes, the most severe of which are focused in Northern California west of the state capital in Sacramento and east of the San Francisco Bay.
The extraordinary reach of the flames has pushed firefighting resources to the point “we have not seen in recent history,” said Shana Jones, chief of the Sonoma-Lake-Napa unit of the state Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
With firefighting crews stretched thin, there was no evacuation warning for Hanson and his neighbors.
Luckily, Hanson was awake because his electricity was out and the stifling 95-degree (35C) temperature prevented him from sleeping.
He quickly woke up his wife, and the two raced in their diesel truck down the road. The air rang with car horns as people desperately tried to wake up their neighbors.
Hanson and his wife made it to a hotel room in the nearby community of Fairfield, grateful they were alive. They found out later that their house was destroyed by the fire.
The house was really two houses. The first was a small redwood home originally built in Vacaville in the 1930s but later moved to the property. Hanson, who owned a business that made patio enclosures, bought the property in 1974. He spent weekends there for the next 17 years, planting walnut, peach, fig and eucalyptus trees.
In 1991, he completed a 3,000 square-foot (279-square-meter) addition to that house. It had a wine cellar, indoor and outdoor pools plus three fireplaces.
The fires this week have grown quickly and, collectively, have destroyed nearly 700 homes and other structures across the state.
Most of the homes that were leveled were burned by the fire that took Hanson's home, the so-called LNU Lightning Complex fire. It's the second-largest wildfire in state history and has burned more than 490 square miles (1,270 square kilometers).
Hanson said he is treating the fire as “an adventure" and talks excitedly when describing his harrowing escape . But his voice catches when he talks about the house, especially when he says he won't rebuild.
“I worked on it for 30 years. It was pretty nice,” he said. “I wouldn't want to do it on a lesser scale, and I don't got time to top the old one.”
Hanson said he plans to turn the lot into a park and a campground for himself and his friends for the next few years.
But first, he had some shopping to do. His tomatoes, surprisingly, did not burn. He bought some hoses and plans to return to the ranch in an attempt to water them, assuming the deer haven't eaten them first.
“They escaped the whole deal,” he said. “About the only thing I have left in the world is tomatoes.”
Beam reported from Sacramento,

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......