Wednesday, August 12, 2020

i am stil not buying the numbers

Am I the only person that's not buying the  numbers everyday ......apparently people are dying from other shit and the numbers are  being used go figure woman's son was killed in a motorcycle accident ....but his  cause of  death was COVID 19.............
But the masses will believe anything the media tells them ....because that's all they do is watch the news ......the worst are the 5 biggest ....all sponsored by large pharma ....go figure right !!!!!!....the  causes of death ....pharmaceuticals ......all tied in .......big pharma spends  billions on the NBC network .......look at the today show ....all pill popping ads ........but look who watches these shows  ....all mental cases  its  all mind  numbing  for  depression ....loneliness .....disorders ....etc.....etc...... ..
if you are white in America.....what the fuck do you have to be depressed about don't need meds are white you got game in America .......this is why black people wrote blues music don't hear white people writing blues music ......they got fuck all to be blue about .........its the truth .........
The truth will come out in the end .......that the COVID19 ........numbers were cooked for media and fear to the mass of fucking loonies  buying into the stupid hoax .....aka virus ........wait and see till after the election prediction ....

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  There is no such thing as sex  addiction is  a high sex  drive  .......but hey!!!!!! .......why not !!!!!!......he is a lucky ......