Thursday, July 23, 2020

california .....a fucking bunghole

I have never understood the mentality of get droughts .....earthquakes.........mudslides.......fires.....floods etc....etc........its overpriced ......expensive ....overrated.......and its residents cannot even afford to live there .....people rave abut it  ....because the movie stars live in opulence ......mansions .....but as we all know ........those .......over paid drug addicted satanical .....filthy rich .....they do not care  about California .......the average person has to scrape to live....... because the cost of living...... even some techies are living in poverty and in ....rv's's well known  for its skid  row .....filthy disgusting........ disease ridden place ...........where  its just overrun with homeless ..... because they cannot afford to live there ......yet the super rich do not help at all......billionaires  they could easily solve california's problems .........affordable housing ......but no why should they ....the democratic run state is an affront to  decent human beings........... that just want to live ....even some people  that have  jobs are living in their  cars .......can you imagine .....have a  job and  you cant afford to rent .....its shameful .......i do sincerely hope california........ gets hit  by a massive quake rendering its a fucking pile of shit .....its not far from that now ......but the place is disgusting ......who in their right mind wants to live in a state  that has nothing but ecological problems by this time you may be asking yourself ....why is this rant got to do with the covid-19 posting .......well nothing .......i just thought i would unload  ........because i hate the way the people  in california are treated ........ whilst the rich ......elite .........famous ........satanical....... sit by....... and watch the place fall apart ....... from their muti-million dollar  mansions .............

record 12,000 new coronavirus cases, surpasses New York as worst-hit state
Anurag Maan and Shaina Ahluwalia
By Anurag Maan and Shaina Ahluwalia
(Reuters) - California on Wednesday overtook New York, the original epicenter of the U.S. novel coronavirus outbreak, as the worst-hit state for cases, according to a Reuters tally of county data.
Total cases in the most populous U.S. state rose by 12,112 on Wednesday to a total of more than 421,000, the biggest single-day increase since the pandemic started. California deaths also set a one-day record, rising by 159.
New York has recorded by far the most deaths of any U.S. state at more than 32,000 with California in fourth place with over 8,000 deaths.
If California were a country, it would rank fifth in the world for total coronavirus cases behind only the United States, Brazil, India and Russia. New York has more than 413,500 cases and has been adding on average 700 new ones a day in July. In California there is an average of 8,300 new cases a day.
The rapid increase of cases has made it difficult to trace the pathogen's path through the community through contact tracing, a process of interviewing people who test positive for the virus to find out how they were exposed, and whom they in turn might have exposed, California Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr Mark Ghaly said on Tuesday.
"No one anticipated building a program to contact trace the number of cases we’re seeing here," Ghaly said at a news conference, referring to Los Angeles and other counties struggling to trace cases of the disease.
Since its crush of cases earlier in the year, New York state has managed to get the virus under control, reporting the fewest hospitalizations in four months on Monday and only two deaths on Tuesday.
Nearly 143,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 - nearly a quarter of the global total.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......