Thursday, June 18, 2020

Well that shit will never  happen to me ....i cannot  find  someone as twisted and strange as i am ....oh !!!!!i tried ....but being a germophobe with a foot  fetish is  tough in this world .....i know i gave up long time ago mind  works non stop 24/7/4/12/365/52..........i cannot stop thinking i have so much to spew ....and i am like a honey badger on crack.... meth .redbull...china white ....and vitamins ....oh well just keep writing and keeping germ free ............................What is fleabagging? Here's how to stop this self-sabotaging behavior

Carolyn Steber
Remember when you didn’t know what “ghosting” meant? Me neither. It perfectly describes a dating situation we’ve all been in, and it comes up so often that it seems like the word has been around forever. But while “ghosting” has been part of your vernacular for the past few years, it’s time to add another dating term to your list—and it’s called fleabagging.
This word comes from the character Fleabag, who was created and played by Phoebe Waller-Bridge on her show, aptly named Fleabag. Throughout the show, Fleabag has one love-related mishap after another and always seems to be let down by her romantic partners or make conflicting choices when it comes to love—and thus the term was born.
If you’re “fleabagging” yourself, it means you keep dating the same types of people over and over again, even though they’re bad for you. You never quite learn from past mistakes or take a different approach to find love but keep hoping for the best, only to be let disappointed time and time again.
If this sounds familiar, chances are all your past partners fit a certain mold, and all your relationships have ended the same way. It’s an easy trap to fall into, especially since it’s tough tospot toxic relational situations when you’re in the middle of them. But the good news is there are plenty of ways to break the cycle and stop fleabagging yourself. Try these tips.

1 Recognize the problem.

While it might not feel great to relate so intensely to Fleabag’s propensity for bad relationships, recognizing your own unhealthy patterns is the best way to begin making a change, matchmaker Susan Trombetti tells HelloGiggles. “You can’t fix it if you don’t realize it’s a problem to start with,” she says. So consider your deep, emotional connection to Fleabag a good thing.
When comparing your own dating habits with Fleabag’s, it’s important to ask yourself: Do you relate to any of her habits? Are you dating the same types of people depicted on the show (i.e. those who are emotionally unavailable, disinterested, immature, etc.)? Mull over your most recent breakups as well, and think about why those relationships ended. You may begin to see patterns emerging, and once they do, be honest but kind with yourself. If a habit isn’t working for you, it’s time to stop repeating it. Just don’t beat yourself up when these realizations come to fruition. Just like Fleabag, you’re learning and growing. No one is perfect.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......