Monday, March 30, 2020

things will never be the same

I dont know about anyone else ......but i don't think things will ever be the same ......they never usually are .....i mean look at 9/11....everyone was going about their merry way .....doing their shit and boom!!!!!!....2 buildings and everyone was shitting proverbial bricks .....i still say an inside job ,.....but hen i am a critical thinker and somethings did not add up .........
I have always said its the masses that cause the trouble ....its a numbers game the govt plays knows who holds and knows who folds......just by what you own .....have ...earn....and what you need and what you don't .....
When you have a  mortgage job know .......and people mostly have these  things .....this is how  govt works  just like a business ......they know you need  gas  for your  job ....and  all the  other   things  that make you shitty life  worth while know  your  house you don't own ...until you're too old  too enjoy .....your  kids leave then you go and live somewhere and  end up in a condo ......they know  statically what you gig is ......they watch your move ......
It's the families that shit themselves  first ....grabbing  food and  water and supplies ....they know  a panic situation ....people get nuts............
Things are fucked now  ...people will never  tust anything for the longest time .....bars clubs .....Chinese take outs.....restaurants until every last virus has gone .......but how will we know .....the  evil capitalize on fear ..... if you dont know this  you are fucked .......
Still as long as no one stands up ...they will win ......and human beings just want to believe everything is okay .......good luck with that ......times have changed for ever  not for the  good this is  an introduction to the new world folks  ....this is a  silent war .....hatched from within......its just long as there are financial slaves there will be  financial overlords ......get used to the new life ....things are going to change ....a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......