Monday, March 9, 2020

there's always one

There will always  be  parasites  willing to rip off people  it will always be  that way .....someone  will always be  desperate to cash in on misery never  heard  a man  say i have  no choice i have a  wife and  kids  to feed  .....well desperation makes  men  do desperate  things  ....this will include profiting on misery on others  .....but you know  he would not like it  done  to his wife  and  kids  ......its  an all time  low  for a human being to do it  ....its  entrapment  ....when you put yourself  in a position where you have to work of  lose  your  family  you  are  nothing more  than a parasite on the earth  are  enslaved   worse  than  African 200 years ago are  just a slave of  modern  day  circumstances..............

when you don't have  any choices  you become a slave to your  circumstances.....this is how  govt works  they entrap you in a  situation...... and  you have  no choice  they love it  this is how  they  get people   to work in   terrible shitty  jobs   .....the  people are not  smart  they don't  think  .................. 

A desperate  man will do desperate  deeds   and  regret them .......its what the  govt wants  you to be trapped  and have no choice  ....

Street seller caught "ripping off" tourist with overpriced coronavirus face masks

Street seller caught "ripping off" tourist with overpriced coronavirus face masks
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An opportunistic street trader was confronted after selling overprices surgical face masks - despite government warnings that vendors could five jail for ripping people off. The man was seen offering worried tourists 10 flimsy paper masks for 350 baht (11.14USD) on the Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok, Thailand. He was selling them despite the country's government warning that any vendors cashing in on the shortage of masks could face a jail term of five years or a fine of 100,000 baht. Footage shows the man in the process of selling the masks to a Chinese tourist concerned about the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 disease. Health officials were handing out the masks for free just a few hundred metres away at a subway station. When confronted, the street vendor claimed that the masks were ''heavy ones, good quality''. His boss later arrived and told the filmer to ''f*** off''. The tourist then bought the masks. The filmer said: ''The coronavirus has caused enough problems without people ripping other people off, when we should be working together to stop the spread. Unfortunately, the tourist seemed to not know any better and ended up paying a vastly over-inflated price for the cheap masks which he could have picked up for free.'' There has been a nationwide shortage of face masks in Thailand and many other countries since the crisis escalated. In response to claims of sellers inflating prices, Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Jurin Laksanawisit approved a price cap of 2.5 baht (eight cents) on domestically-made masks. "From Monday, all surgical face masks must be sold at 2.5 baht a piece, with violators liable to jail time and/or fines," said Mr Jurin, who also chairs the Central Committee on Goods and Service Prices. Face mask importers are also being forced to declare their import costs to the Department of Internal Trade (DIT). The rules also means the mark-up on the import price must not exceed 60 per cent. The government said that manufacturers, distributors, exporters and importers of items on the list are required to notify the DIT of production costs, prices, production volume, export/import volume and inventory. As of March 8, there have been at least 106,500 confirmed cases of coronavirus around the world and at least 3,600 deaths. There are 60,228 recoveries.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......