Thursday, March 12, 2020

The saga continues

All i can say is this  corona virus bollocks is  getting really annoying .....its fucking up everything .....i should think everyone affected by this  should be suing china....yes!!!!! those fuckers always cause trouble that and meat eaters ...this is all your fucking fault .......There is always someone causing shit ....if we just took a moment to think ....think about this ...if the american govt never subsidized meat it would cost 94lb to eat .....would you eat it then !!!!!! way would anyone in their right mind  pay that for tumor infested piss ridden food that's what all the meat is 
I will hope at the end of the day  china is held accountable for this disaster its fucking up every gig ....spots festivals so on and so forth .....the only good  thing is oil is getting cheaper .....that i have no problem with i don't mind the price of gas going down even if  millions of people are dying i got shit to do .............
I still say people should be suing china for the inconvenience of this shit in .....if they are not disrespecting life or thieving or killing ...they are fucking shit up ....i hate that country ....nothing but trouble....the only good  thing is cheap shit at wal -mart...that's it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......