Sunday, March 15, 2020

A fucking floating petri dish ..............

Like i have said .......i will never  understand the cruise ship mentality ......this  is the  worst thing ever  invented  .......
The whole idea of a cruise...... is to imagine you are not on a  cruise  ship  why  bother  going on a cruise  ship ...... if you don't want to imagine you are on a  cruise  ship  ......whats the fucking point of  this   whole  idea ........

You go to sea imagine...... you are in a  place ...... that's not at sea...... so you  can  enjoy yourself .....with the chance of  falling off the  side  .....i suppose if  you wanted  to get  rid of some cunt ......say your wife ......or vice  versa  ship it is  ........its  a  container  of  pollution .......the  average  cruise dumps tons of sewage  year into the  oceans ......they  circumvent labor laws  because they are registered in some shit hole  3rd  world  country ......
Some of the  workers ..... work 13 hours a day...... 7 days a  week.....  because there is no  labour laws  ......while you don't give a fuck.....  because..... you are shoving food and  alcohol in your  face ......

Just for instance ..... take  a look at the greatest  cruise  ship disaster  in history .......the titanic  .....the unsinkable many  disasters  have there  been  since  then..... a lot  ....crashing into each other .....not  too mention  viruses........  its  a floating fucking petri  dish ......not to mention  the  amount of  assaults...sexual and  otherwise  worker on a cruise ship like s  you..... its that bad they have to  have  a bar are working 13 hours a day..... and  stuck in a  cabin with another person you don't want to work  with.....jammed like sardines its a fucking shit job  and you are paid shit ......most of  the  menial workers are 3rd world  ......unskilled job.......a white person..... who has a decent room it's a fact.....  you think the captain and his associates  have crammed shitty rooms no....... the captain lives like a king......  the engineers  and  associates have great gigs.....  not the others....... the ship rats live and  work like  shits ........
I don't get the notion...... if you want to go on a  cruise ship ........ so you wont feel like you are on a  cruise ship ..........why  bother ......going on a ship ....... when you want to feel like you are on land are  fucking insane ............

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......