Thursday, February 27, 2020

cruise illnesses

hey !!!!!  maybe its  just me   ....but have  you noticed  all the  fucking time ships are  getting  fucking spanked  way or  another  ....if its  not  corona  ...its  fucking  food poisoning or  some  shit or  other .......

You see  what i think  and maybe it  does not fucking matter  .....but a cruise  ships  is  like a massive  sardine  can  floating on the  ocean ........theres  no where  to run....i have  been on a  casino  cruise know  the peasant  cruise ......i call them  ....they go 5 miles out  you lose  your money you come  back  ......its   basically a  nautical fucking  in the  shape of  a casino  where  no cunts win.....

but a  cruise is  like  thousands you pay for   ...for a bunch of  low paid  workers  ......who fucking hate your  ass ........ because they are  groveling to your  every  fucking whim thats you pay for think you are cool,..........  but these  fuckers  are  paid  shit ....... for what the cruise makes  ....then they have  to partake in cabaret.. or  whatever  the fuck they have  to  do .....they don't like you  ....if they did  ....why is  the  rape  charges  and all other  sorts  of  criminal problems  in a  cruise  ship in litigation.......

and if  these  fuckers  liked  you ....., why are there  bars  so they can get  fucking hammered .,,,,,,...the simple  fact is  if your  in a  sardine  can in the ocean with a  bunch of  drunk people ...... who  eat like  fucking  termites  all day .....then  get dressed  up on a ship to watch a shit show....its  a really pony shite  version of  a poor  las vegas  lounge  performance ...

then the captain has to pretend  he likes  your  fucking ass .....but its  a room ......where you are paying money...... lots.......  to do fuck all...... but eat....... and  drink .....because. you fucking cant go anywhere  ...
.then when you dock somewhere...... you  have  to buy some  hand made tourist  crap locals who hate you......  too but love your  dollar bills ....... it helps these poor  ignorant 3 rd  workers  feed  their  massive  families .....a ship pulling in with drunk passengers  buying fucking garbage to take  back to cunts......  you cannot be  bothered  with ........ but if you don't they will call you cheap..... for going on a cruise and  bringing fuck all back ..........its a fact  jack ......

incidentally....... these  ships  are  the largest polluters of the ocean......... not that  cruise people  give  a flying fuck .....they are   getting their  moneys  worth on a  cruise ........ whether it  be  food ......... or  whatever ......its asses on a seat money can buy the  all you can  drink bar tab have  to  where the  fuck are you gong to go or  drink ........

i have  nothing against the  cruise industry..........  unless its  a naked  cruise......... but then you cannot go  anywhere.....i have  heard they will do  any kind of  cruise ....... for  any kind  of thing  gay  for  certain cultures  .....or  rock cruises long as  there  are  fuckers  with money .......the cruise industry will be there  to take  your  cash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......