Tuesday, July 2, 2019

what else do can you expect from wal mart .......

Well what else  can you expect from wal mart .....its  the dregs  of  society that wander in and  out of the  shit hole  i mean i  go there   but usually late  and  its  a fucking freak show ........i mean  how  more  retarded  can you get ......obviously a  really stupid  bastard .....no wonder  the world is  going to hell  in a hen basket ......real fucking low  lives ....and  well  fucking Texas  ....a  bunghole of  humanity ....only two things  come  from Texas  ......     :(.......oh and oil !!!!!but seriously ...its  fucking  shitty hot and   fucking  a  bunghole .....although Florida is not  much better it hangs out the  arse of  America ....like a big shit......and its all  packed at the  end .........wal mart is  just a  fucking supermarket of  human rejects ,........have you seen the place at thanksgiving .....


Woman banned from Walmart after eating half a cake in the store, then refusing to pay full price

 Hope Schreiber,Yahoo Lifestyle Mon, Jul 1 6:56 PM CDT 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......