Thursday, June 13, 2019

no excuse

I have said it now and Will say it again .......shit parents shit kids ......i mean if you are that  fucking stupid to think that you can  bathe is a  commercial sink and  then  video and hope there is no  ramifications re a  fucking putz .......whoever  videoed it  was  just as much to blame ......but then its  Wendy's they are not know  for  employing  rocket scientists .....architects .....geologists .....mathematicians  no  they  employ ......people who really  do not  give  a flying fuck all the bog employers ...taco hell .....wal mart......big macs......blah blah ......i mean why  qualifications  do you need  to work i these   fucking bungholes ......listen i know there  area  few  people  who give  a flying fuck ......but  these  franchises  don't  want  critical thinking people .....they want  brain dead  fucking  zombies  to show  up flip some  shit  .....wrap some  shit ......and  do a  half assed  job........i go to  dunkin donuts  for a  coffee  blast.......and the  staff  are  lack luster  and  don't  give a  fuck  .....there is no  enthusiasm  ,.....well why would there  be ......its  fucking coffee and  donuts  hard is  it  to serve  some  cunt .....who wants  coffee and  donuts  no skill there  they  don't want skill ......they  want  zombies ........managers and  such like pions  in these   places  are  not  zombies they  know a  zombie  when they see  one .......i mean   who the  fuck  wants  to  go  to  work  around  bastards  that  bathe  in a  sink .......not funny   someones shit  and  body sweat  soaking in a  sink ......i mena you must have some level of  deceny within yourself ....even if you work ina  shithole job.........passion overrides  excellence  and many people lack this ......if you dont like your job ....heres a  tip ......dont fucking  do it ......simple  dynamics 

UA Wendy's Employee Has Been Fired For Taking A Bath In A Kitchen Sink And We Have Questions
 Elijah Scott,Delish 13 hours ago 
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......