Thursday, June 27, 2019

i don't know about anyone  else .......but i hate  balloons.......always have done .......they have no use other  than ,,,they tell someone  they are  at a  stupid party ......or the worst is  when i go by a car dealership ......they have balloons on cars ,., let me  get this  right .......i am  going to  buy a  30 thousand  dollar  cars  because  it has  some  balloons  on it ......what  sort of   fucking idiotic stunt is  that .......balloons always remind me  of clowns  which i hate ........i always see them as  drunk depressed alcoholics  who only     do it because they cannot be  bothered .......i mean a  clown is  always  revered  to as a  fucking putz at the  circus ......and the name  is used in negative  situations  always......think about it don't  get  bunch of  friends  saying ........."hey bozo is a very successful great guy ....with  buzzing  career and  hot  wife "........................clowns are   Amway's  used  to  take the piss out of in circuses ....and they have to make  children laugh at parties  or they  don't  get  paid ........and  usually balloons  are involved ......and balloons  clowns  always have the  fuckers ........
I mean  we  have been  to the  moon and  back....opened  up the  DNA  bible  yet they cannot  replicate  helium ........are you kidding me .......i do despise  those  stupid  fucking  aluminum balloons  that people  buy .......and then  try and  shove  10 of  them in their  car   for a  party ......they are shit  for  the  envoirnment .....really bad  .....but you don't give  a  fuck you !!!!!!as long as you  get these  stupid  ass   aluminum balloons  right ........i need  to  egt  my  kid  sponge bob   balloons  otherwise i am a sucky parent .......fuck the  envoirment little  billy  has  to have  a sponge bob  balloon .......... or i  failed  as  a mommy right .......they are  such a  waste of money........... and  time  and  yet i see  fuckers   shove lots  of  them in their  cars ......yes we  need  balloons  for  selling cars  or parties ......fuck the planet  right ........who cares  as  long as  we  get our  balloons  sure ,......i mean  how could we  sell a  car   without a balloon.........

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A global helium shortage is impacting everything from party balloons to scientific research.
“It’s very tough for us right now,” said Ethan Truong, owner of HD Balloons in South Sacramento. “If it keeps happening like that then we are going to close down the business.”
Truong says selling helium is a big part of his business, approximately 90 percent.
Five years ago, a helium tank would cost him $25 to fill up, but now the owner says it’s close to $300 and that’s if he can even get it.
“We can’t get any helium from anywhere,” he said.
Delivery of the element has been periodic.
“They just ran out,” he said.
The shortage is even slowing scientific research.
“We’re expected to try to cut back and put off experiments for a little bit until there’s a better helium supply again,” said UC Davis professor Rena Zieve. “It’s a unique material.”
The physics labs at UC Davis use helium in superconducting research.
“It turns out that helium at very close to zero temperature does some interesting things,” Zieve said.
To cool their experiments they must use copious amounts of helium.
“Hopefully it’s only a temporary increase because it really spiked up with the recent shortage,” Zieve said.
Zieve said the Middle East embargo is increasing demand for U.S. supplies and some of the helium they want is being given to higher priority projects, such as MRI machines.
“If you’re a hospital running an MRI machine, you can’t just turn off your machine,” she said.
So now, they try to recycle what they’ve used.
“There’s been a big move in the United States to try to have much more recovery of helium,” Zieve said.
Unlike hydrogen, helium can’t be manufactured and the global supply is only found deep underground in a limited supply.
“There’s plenty of helium in the earth, the question is finding it and getting it out,” she said. “As helium leaves the earth, it’s gone and we will never get it back.”
Truong is hoping the shortage subsides before all of his business bursts.
Some people have suggested banning party balloons during the shortage, but experts said they account for just a small fraction of the overall helium use.
Others are working to find a more stable underground supply.
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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......