Sunday, June 16, 2019

Ease watch this one ....!!!!!

This one I see all the time parents living their dreams through their children ......or using their children to feel better about themselves ............children are not collateral they are human beings .....but parents love to use their children as markers in their existence .....or use them as emotional bartering tools in divorces and marriage many times does a woman threaten a man with taking his kids right !!!!!that is pure evil on every level ......children are no accqusitions....they are live don't have them to measure your success like they do in countries like america .....i see this all the time know who you are ......and of course patents lie about their family and their children ......i can tell you I saw it in my ex family ......nothing but backstabbing and lying .......just in order to save face .....  You know some people just cannot look in the mirror .......lies catch up to you .......honesty will set you free may not have many friends ......but you will be free ......and there is no price on freedom !!!!!!-......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......