Sunday, April 28, 2019

The president is the president after all

I have never voted ...i never will ....i don't  believe in the system any govt system as i think its a sham ...for the  rich by the rich .....and the poor  get constantly fucked on a  daily basis .....but its  been like that  since inception ,.......however i dont think it matters  who  gets in they have to lie to your  face  to make you believe  they care ...its  just politics  not  personal ....but most  people  sincerely believe that  politicians  care  about them ......but then the masses  are not  smart or  educated  enough  to think critically ......they get  by  .....have their  kids ..... and  get a job..... a nice house  .a paycheck and  their  little   appliques .... to make their lives  comfortable they  say a  job stands  for  just over  broke .......fact that  6 out of  10 families in America  do not have  $400 dollar in cash readily available for  an  emergency.....that's  pretty  fucked up  ....

However my point of this rant blog etc Donald trump is  president  elected  by hook or crook as the pun might go ....however  he got in if  i was  an America  which i am not and  never will be the only  benefit to being an America  is  to do  jury duty ....and  vote  .....neither  which i  am fond of that  cancels that out .....but if  a was a yank ......i would  accept the current situation and  get on with my existence .....why well all presidents  promise you this  that and  the other .....and  none  of  them  have  came  through .......Barack Hussein Obama  promised to rebuild the  roads bridges and  infrastructure ......never  followed  through ....barack ....aka  Barry sotoro  apparently talked a good  game  but really did not do much .......George w.bush .......just  fucked  up  everything  sanctioned  death in the WTC   it was  an inside  job if you have not figured  that out  you may as well get with the  sheep....its  never  personal in America  its  always  business  always ......America  like i  have  said till i  am blue in the  face is a business  not a country  never was a  country a  rotunda of  consumption and it propells sustains economies  of  other  countries ........

All the whining protesting and  bitching never solves  anything politics is a  dirty  filthy game    its whole  tapestry is  woven  with corruption senatorial hand wringing  rich men with agendas and the  whole  fabric of this  masterful intricate  Elita  tapestry  is  stitched  together  with the almighty  golden thread  .....yep!!!!!money ....the  thread of it all     ...followed  by  oil ......yes  its  just a plain cold  hard  fact  ......and money  talks  and  bullshit walks is the end  result of it all .....if you have  no money  you   have nothing in America  it talks......  its the  lube  .....just a plain simple  fact ....and politics  is  about  money   ....people  think they matter  only when it comes  time  to  vote  they  only care  about you   for  that  moment  when you   sign the  x  on the   box   ....its    much like  when you   orgasm  its  all that  matter   .....all that  work  for  that  little  gesture ........govts  don't care  about you  once you  have done your  deed  they  don't need  you  ......they  already get you money  through taxes  are  just  another  worker  bee ....its just how   countries   work ....... the ones  that think  critically  don't  matter to  them...... they want  Numbers  masses  ......they care  about the  man  that  has  to  work  .......because he  has a wife  .......and  kids......  and responsibility ........ he is  enslaved  to  his  wife  his  life  his  kids  ......that's what they  want ........ because they know  he  has  no  choice  he is  trapped  ......its  subliminal slavery  brought through a choice  of  an  individual ......

Don't hate the player  hate the game .....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......