Thursday, April 18, 2019

people have lost their minds .......

 I understand people love  architecture and stuff ....and i know this place is  famous and  all with the movie.....the not re  dame cathedral is owned  by the french govt.....

Leased or  rented  by the Vatican incidentally not  fucking poor ...... both sides.......but what steams  my broccoli... a billion dollars has been raised  to  fix  this  burned out relic .... where  as  there  are  children hungry and  dying   all over the world  can you imagine  how many children  could be  saved  with this  money ........but i guess  religious  building over  lives .....seems  bollocks  .....a figure of  Jesus  apparently seems  to have been sighted in the fire .....incidentely ........ depictions of  the  man  are only renderings   ....he  was  painted  by  an artist  go look it up  ..........there  are  many  variations of  this  fictitious man   only know and  invented   for the  sole reason of  financial  gain ....and of  course  a  way to control a mass of  people  through   conduit of indoctrination ....with the sole  purpose  of   taking money from impoverished  .........uneducated  masses .....with the final result of  murder......... death.........and  of  course  young children being abused  ....all in the name of  religion ........

funny though  how many people  have died through  religion  than most wars ......makes you wonder .....all in the  name of  brotherly love and peace takes  death to  create  peace  ....really you would think there  would  be a  simpler  method........nope  !!!that would make  sense 

Funny thing   ....some proclaim Jesus  was  black....he is a Jew  .....some say he is  this  that  and  the  other  ..a man with a long hair and  a  beard  ....well !!!!!fucking yeah  you did not have  Gillette razors in them days  ....that's was not a bad  judgment call.....

However  religion  is  about  life  saving lives  ....seems  to  be  it  sits on some  sort of warped oxymoronic platform ....seems to  stir up  more  violence ..... hate ..... and  death  than it  sells  ...or propels  it very own  fundamental  foundation .......but hey   people  keep  buying what the fuck they are selling  at  an  rate  that i  find inconceivable  ......but  hey !!  than i  a not a  follower of  anything or  anyone   ....i distrust  humanity  on  any  scale ..... until  i see  people  come  together  to help children .....rather  than  fund  a 900 year old  building .....that  is  underpinned  by a  sinister  religion or  death ....... molestation .......rape ..... greed ..... and satanism's all bollocks  ...people will see what they  want to see  all in the bid for  attention ....i see  hot babes  with big tits flowing blonde  hair in the shape of  angels  grasp that one .....the imagination is  endless  limitless and you can  imagine  what  ever the  fuck you want .......

would have been nice  to  see  a lot more  children alive  than an  old  building  dead  .....its history .....will not  be the  only  thing i get it  a  tourist  trap  for  all the tourists  to see where  Esmeralda and  beautiful women in a movie   fell  for  an ugly  hump backed   guy .....maybe in them  days  the women  did not care   so much   about money...... power......  cars ..... and  shit .....that's  movie  would not happen  today ...........women  only  like men  with money .....its  not a  lie.......  or   a  movie ...... its  just a plain  simple  fucking  fact  ...... no money...... no  honey ......or you  simply have to  be a  brad Pitt  looking   clooney mother fucker  to  get a hot chick without cash ......

just telling it like it is one likes  the truth .......


People Claim To See Jesus In Flames Engulfing Notre Dame Cathedral

 David Moye,HuffPost 13 hours ago 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......