Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Facebook the gutless entity

I have just been banned again from facebook because i used rhetoric .....probably some. Weak psycheck slug. Did not like the truth......its okay for facebook to show animals being beaten to death and mulims marrying children .......because paycheck monkies dont want to offen any belief.  ....but say words and the thin skinned parasitical goat fuckers get bent out of shape ......facebook is selling everyone out and they are buying. 
....because the masses dont like the truth ....and mark zucherburg. selling out to the govt ......he does not care ......i mean facebooks address is 1 hacker way.....says it all ......he supposedly stole the idea. that tells you his integrity ......also......he is building a mansion. And it is being walled around.  In hawaii .....he is hypocritical.......but what does he care ....he is a billionaire ......part of the elite ......if you dont get it. ......then your as stupid as the rest

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......