Thursday, October 11, 2018

Emotional support squirrel

Human beings just love taking the piss.........i have always said the. Emotional support animal thing is a fucking can get tjis shit on line ........however there are some people nedd them for. Support .......of course we. Cannot use animals enough or abuse them or eat them we use tjem because we are needy as fuck ...........
Anuways this fucking ding dong gas a squirrel for.  Emotional support .........yep a to feed .......nuts. Fuck all else is it trained one may ask .........because as far as i know.    .......the little. Bastard only gives a fuck about.  Nuts .......and a nut related.  Ecistence ..........
The squirrel i think.  Sees. One big. Fucking nut. Bag.  And thinks. Oh well its a nut .........i mean what the fuck. Does a person want.   With a squirrel.  Fuckers are cute........   And climb trees ......but.  Leave them alone ........
Never used to be animal supports. ....just some. Fucker thought. ......may as well use those. Fuckers. For an excuse............after. All what. Else is a squirrel good for ......that's right.  Collecting.....eating and storing nuts ............and hanging around trees .........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......