Wednesday, February 14, 2018

me too............... reaction !!!!!!!

Its a know fact with  every action ........follows a reaction.....with that in mind ......i understand get the me too movement against dudes  preying on venerable women......

But what will happen id the  glass  ceiling in industry will be even higher  now bosses and  all related incidents like meetings and  conventions will be more likely to take a male  employer  now  ....because he will be afraid in case  the  woman  make an accusation against him and  fuck up his life ,.......

its Will be  a knock on effect  i myself would certainly be wary of  any sharing or  doing business with a women  just in case  she  decided  to  get   antsy  in case  something never  went  in her  favour  and she  could make  accusations it  is not the  first  time .....

i am with  the  whole deal  regarding men  abusing their  position like the   prick Matt  lauer  but things could go wrong in an innocent  situation ......

As i have never or will ever  put  myself or  trust anyone in business  i don't  care  but  it Will definitely have an  effect  in the future ......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......