Wednesday, December 6, 2017

as i predicted

Well i always knew Matt lauer was a  skeevy ,too good to be true piece of crap ....
I never  liked him  ever  because i thought he was a smarmy prick .....well as it happens  he  was a slug  like Harvey weinstein ......
i predict the  mass of  change in the  media and Hollywood .....following the outing of the  sexual assaults and harassment of women.........

As i have always said i am a heterosexual male ,and love women as hot blooded  male .....but you cannot take  it upon yourself force yourself on a women ,when you know its wrong .....when woman says no!!.....and you decide the no means yes ....then you deserve the  consequences.....

if a women cock teases you .....,and you do not have the  mental capacity to control; your dick .....then you deserve all you get ....really does not make you above the  law .......well in some cases if you are really rich it does.....

For instance look at the  dumb ass Anthony wiener ,has a very hot wife ....yet its not  enough .....texts a pic with his kid in the back ground in essence  having money does not  make you  smart ,......most of the  time it makes you dumber .......

Matt lauer was coining it in at the rate of 20 million a year ......yep  lots of money .......highest paid guy on NBC ......but  a  wanker of  epic proportions .....but they canned his  ass ,its  a family show,a married man ......
listen up .....your always going to  get  caught ......women know  ,they have  an intuition ,when something is off kilter .....but when you cheat .....its  costs  you monetarily....

I do not  believe in relationships ,at all as i think its  a perpetrated  scam by big business get one to set up home buy shit ........have  kids shit and we all know  women  love to shop ......and they shop even more when they are  not   satisfied sexually ....... so you pay double .....

most people..... do not  even love themselves so they look for it in other  people and they have kids  because they think the  kids   will fill a  void .....fools fall in love its been written in many songs....

I applaud these women for  coming forward out these  assholes rich ones ....for what they done !!!i am not  siding with feminists .....just saying whats  right ......but i do see a  dark underbelly to all this outing ........women complain its hard enough to find a  decent  man....... and  vice  versa ...........i personally think being single is  way easier  than the  drama you have top deal with .....i want drama ....i will  watch a Colombian soap opera ......

and in today's  dating world.......  especially when older are  basically getting  leftovers , are getting someone  else  discards a thrift store ......and they usually come  with  kids  .....mostly .....but if the women is  older ....older men , want a younger  woman ......its  just how it is....the truth hurts......... but that's  just the  way it is .......

I certainly  do not  wanna  deal with  someone  Else's  mess .......picking up pieces ....i do not  have  patience for much ...especially somone  else past problems i think its easier  to do it my way ......but most people  are desperate  and  indoctrined  that when you get older you will be lonely .......

its a great scam perpetrated by families  so you will give them grandkids i dont buy into the  family bullshit .....why ...well if they cannot accept you for  who you are ,,,,,or  your path you may choose then they don't  deserve you and you do not  deserve them ....after  all ....your only real family is  your parents .....others pretend because its  an  obligatory practice handed  down know for the  sake of .....all scams Holiday  has no  value  especially today .......

friendships are more  loyal and they may only be a  few  but at least you can  get rid of them if they betray you .....

however ......Hollywood will reveal more rats and snakes and the  media will be in turmoil too .....big change a  coming ......i am not sure if it is for good or  bad but personally do not  care at all .....

all things come to an end ........or there would not be an end ....makes sense .......

I have always thought the movies and media were riddled with a dark underbelly ......and I was right ......change is inevitable ......every dog has its day .....

When someone pretends to be all good  all the time have to ask yourself !!!!!!! need a  balance in life .....its just how it is ......

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