Wednesday, October 11, 2017

actors and the casting couch .............

Unless you have been smoking weed  with garden gnomes ......its been a known fact for many years about  the whole casting couch in Hollywood ........

It comes as no surprise to me ......about  Harvey weinstein .....i am surprised ....that people are surprised.......the only thing is ........Harvey got  caught .......

It has been long ..........long known about how actors get good  roles in Hollywood ......its similar to hooters  restaurant...who ever  blows the manager  gets the best  tables ......

We all know ......... or  maybe some people .......... care not to know they say  ignorance is bliss .....but you have to be  mental  not  to know....... that sex in the movie industry is  rife  with  the  whole ......sleeping with the bosses .......i mean ......everything in life  revolves  basically  around  sex  way  or  another ......

For instance is  a  scenario ......why do men go to  get a degree .......because........ they are told  .......once you have a  good  job can become successful ...........and get the stepford wife  .......

because it all boils down to the image  ....every man is  told  they have to  have a  petty women hanging off their  arm.......

why do men drive nice cars attract a nice  girl .....(for your political  correctness  straight hot  blooded  male)........

so mmost things boil down to sex the end of  the  day  take away all the  bullshit  .......... and that what its  about ......image is  sexually charged ........

Its a known fact most successful women slept their way to the  top in the entertainment world ......mostly......ot 100%........ but its known  ...especially in Hollywood ....Harvey weinstein is the tip of the iceberg on this  deal   ....much more  will  unfold ......

powerful executives have used their powers  to  seduce pretty young girls........... they are enamoured by power ........lets not  beat around the  bush  ....women are  turned on by powerful men  .....they are now crying like little girls having their  hair pulled  ...but the truth be know ......women are attracted  to powerful men ....just like women are attracted  to musicians .........

So a lot of  these women ....knew  what they were doing ....fucking the boss  for  promotion in the  entertainment industry ......goes  hand in hand ......unless you have been  sleeping your  whole  fucking life !!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......